Monday, December 31, 2007

Year in review

Waiting till (almost) the last possible second, but still, here it is - my bloggy year in review.

Reminder: It's the first sentence from the first post of each month of the year.

And here we go....

January - I'm hoping to update my ridiculously out-dated blogroll real soon, so if you read regularly and have a blog, and would like your blog to be included, please comment and let me know and I'll put you on!

February - Anyone have any prayers, good karma, or healing vibes to spare?

March - I’m about to prove what a big dork I am.

April - We really need to get this potty training thing going full force.

May - To blog or not to blog. That is the question.

June - Since I believe you can never have too many people praying and sending you good thoughts, I'm going to ask that you keep a friend of mine in mind.

July - Jaben's website... While still somewhat under construction, it's still a pretty good start for an 11 yr old with limited computer knowledge.

August - Just really, really, relentlessly busy!!

September - To celebrate the long weekend, we went to the zoo!

October - Yay for Dani!

November - All the cool kids are doing it, so why not some of us not-so-cool kids?

December - Yeah, it's that kind of day.

Actually, I think it's been that kind of year. Here's to 2008 being a better year for all of us!

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