Friday, December 22, 2006

Vingettes (sorta)

Okay, I will post play pictures. Eventually. Gots other stuff on my mind right now.


On the ADD front... I didn't mention yet but I heard from the school psychologist. What a bitch. Yes, that's right, I said it. B-i-t-c-h. Apparently I am the dumbest mother to walk the face of the earth (but you knew that, right?), his teachers have told her there are no problems with him (say WHAT??), and the school system doesn't DO ADD testing so she has no idea where I got my information. Um... maybe from EVERYFREAKINBODY I'VE SPOKEN TO?!? So yeah whatever. To tell the truth, I'm pretty sick of being dicked around by an uncaring school system that only cares about numbers. He's not flunking out? Then he's fine. They beat the tar out of him but didn't hospitalize him? Oh, then it's a grey area. God these people are idiots. Death threats to other kids at the middle school but it's okay to hit other kids at the intermediate school... um, yeah.

So we went to see his Dr and we're going to start treatment anyway. We'll know in a couple of weeks how it's going. I'm not going to tell his teachers anything and in a couple of weeks if he's not having any bad side effects, I'm going to send out new evaluations to the teachers to see if there's been any difference/improvement. We figure it'll be an interesting experiment. But like I told the Dr, at this point I don't really care about the school, I don't care in the least what they say or do - my concern and responsibility is to MY SON and they can BITE ME if they're not interested in cooperating and oh, maybe making sure the kids they're responsible for are getting the best - as they deserve. I will make sure my son gets the best care, the best treatment, whatever it is that he needs. And if they have problems with him? Well, guess that's they're problem, isn't it?


Kyan choked tonight. He's FINE, don't worry. But he doesn't chew very well and I gave him something that he should be fine with but either put too much in his mouth or didn't chew well enough or something and seriously choked. He got it up himself and I got him to spit the rest out and gave him something else to eat, but he scared me so badly that I'm not going to be able to give him anything that even remotely needs to really be chewed for quite a while.


Jeep sucks. You heard me, Jeep sucks. I am NOT happy with my Liberty and if I could sell it and pay off my loan and get something else, I would. 2 recalls in the not-quite-2-yrs I've had it, repairs, etc. I know some of this is due to a crappy dealership (who I won't be buying from EVER again) but I won't be buying another Jeep and I would advise anyone to ignore the "Jeep rocks" hype and think HARD before purchasing one.


Cookie exchange tonight. Actually in about 1/2 an hour and I probably should be getting Kyan ready. We'll be bringing home something like 20 dozen cookies. Yikes. We've decided to make a cookie tray and give it to Jaben's friend's family. I'm sure they'll be very happy to get it and with 3 growing boys will get thru them pretty quickly.


And last, but not least, Happy Holiday of your choice! Merry Christmas!

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